More on Tim McCarver’s meltdown, and a new idea for national broadcasts

My Subway Squawkers piece on Tim McCarver’s comparing the Yankees front office to Nazis and Communists was the most popular thing I’ve ever written for this blog. It struck a nerve with a lot of fans, and was featured and linked in a lot of places, including Yardbarker‘s home page (and the top story in Yardbarker’s Morning Bark email Monday), AOL Fanhouse, Yahoo Sports’ Big League Stew, Hardball Talk, Bleacher Report, Staten Island Live, and a whole slew of other places. Thanks, everyone, for the linkage, and thanks to Ross from NYY Stadium Insider for being the first to break the story of McCarver’s insanity, posting videos of what he said.

I do think the coverage in the blogosphere had something to do with McCarver having to acknowledge Monday that he was inappropriate. And I’ve written a followup story on it for The Faster Times about McCarver’s non-apology apology.

Also, FOX spokesman, Dan Bell gave a statement agreeing his analogy was inappropriate, saying:

“We’ve discussed the situation with Tim, and relayed in no uncertain terms that his choice of analogies was inappropriate, which he completely agrees with and regrets using,” Bell said. “Given his contrition and flawless 25-year track record, we’re comfortable no further action is necessary.”

The funniest thing about that statement was the notion that McCarver has had a “flawless 25-year track record.” What broadcasts are they listening to?

Heck, the infamous WWII analogy wasn’t even the only dopey thing McCarver said just in that game. He also went on and on about how A.J. Burnett must have cut his hand on a “pie plate” when celebrating Nick Swisher getting the walkoff win the night before. Um, Tim, “pie” is just an expression. A.J.’s just smearing the guys’ faces with a towel filled with whipped cream. No real pie is involved.You would think McCarver, Mr. Baseball Expert himself, would know better.

I just wish that when contract time comes around, FOX and ESPN wouldn’t bother with even hiring national announcers. As I’ve been saying for years, I would love to just hear one person from each team’s broadcast booth. How fun would it be to hear, say, Jerry Remy with Michael Kay? Or Vin Scully with Keith Hernandez? Not only that, but they would be a lot better informed on the teams they cover all year. It just makes sense.

Here’s what St. Petersburg Times writer Tom Jones noted from fans during Saturday’s Rays-Yankees broadcast. He said emails poured in from Tampa Bay fans slamming McCarver right from the beginning. While Jones said that he “thought McCarver and Fox did a decent job talking about the Rays on Saturday,” he noted that “McCarver did make two missteps,” one being the WWI analogy. The other was this:

One was acting shocked when the Rays attempted two safety squeeze bunts with runners on first and third and no one out in the fifth inning.

“Very unusual,” McCarver said. “I have never seen that.”

Well, it’s something the Rays do all the time. In fact, they have become known for that particular play this season, and McCarver probably should’ve known that. Still, you could give him a mulligan. He has 30 teams to follow, and he can’t be expected to know the nuances of every one.

Well, that, and McCarver doesn’t seem to do any research on teams beforehand the way he used to – it sounds like he parachutes into other cities without a clue. Not that he’s the only guy to do that, but it doesn’t make it any better. That’s another reason that the local broadcasters idea would make sense.

Look, I get that national broadcasts are supposed to appeal to the casual fan, as well as the diehard. But what better way could a casual fan learn about another team than to hear one of the team’s regular voices tell them about them? It would be a lot better than all the inaccurate stuff the national guys do!

What do you think? Tell us about it!